Dual Polarity
Dr. Gerard Encausse (PAPUS)
is dual, everything has polarity, everything has its opposite. All things
are paired by an opposite, the similar and opposite are the same, as opposites
are united in nature, differing only in degree. The ends meet, all half-truths
are united in completion and the paradox is reconciled."
The Forth Great Hermetic Principle - the Principle of Polarity - encompasses the truism that all things that are manifest have two sides, two aspects, two poles; a duality with opposite polarities at each end. Those old paradoxes that have always confounded the minds of men are reconciled when one understands this principle. Men have always recognized something of the nature of this principle and tried to express it in various statements, maxims or aphorisms like these: "At the same time, everything both is and is not." "All truths are no more than half-truths"; "All truth is half false"; "Everything has two sides"; "There is an obverse for every reverse", and so on.
The hermetic teachings say of the diametric difference that exists between
seemingly opposite things is only a question of degree. And they affirm
that every pair of opposites can be reconciled, the thesis and the antithesis
are identical in nature and differ only in degree. The universal reconciliation
of opposites is recognized in this Principle of Polarity. Examples of this
principle are everywhere, when the real nature of things is examined. Spirit
and matter are no other than poles of the same thing, being merely planes
seemingly separated by degrees of vibration. The ALL and the many are the
same, their only enduring difference being in the degree they manifest to
the mind. In like manner, the LAW and the many laws are separate poles of
the same, and a single, thing. It is the same with the PRINCIPLE and principles,
with the infinite MIND and the finite mind.
On the physical plane we find that hot and cold are identical in nature,
their only difference being a simple question of degrees. The thermometer
indicates degrees of temperature, being the lower pole being called "cold"
and the higher one called "heat". Between these two there are
many degrees of hot and cold and whichever name we may give them is correct.
Of any two degrees, the higher one is always hot in comparison with the
lower one, which is therefore colder. There is not any one place on the
thermometer at which heat absolutely ceases and cold begins. Everything
can be broken down into measurements of higher or lower vibrations. The
same words: "higher" and "lower", that we are compelled
to use are nothing more than the two poles of the same thing; the terms
are relative. It is the same with "East" and "West".
If we travel around the world in an Eastern direction we will end up in
a place to the "West" of the place from which we start. If we
go sufficiently far to the North we will be traveling South, and just the
Light and darkness are also opposite poles of the same thing, with many
degrees of variation between the two poles. The musical scale is the same.
Leaving one note we arrive at another and so on, the differences being again
a question of degree. In spectrum of color another variation occurs, the
vibratory intensity being the only difference between red at one end and
violet at the other. Things that are and small are relative as are noise
and quiet, hard and soft, sharp and blunt. Positive and negative are two
polarities of the same thing, between one pole and the other are countless
different graduations.
Good and bad are not absolute; rather we call one end of a scale good and
the other bad but mean that they are good or bad relative to each other
and depending on the value we have given them. One thing may be less good
than another that is higher on the scale of good, yet that which is higher
might in turn be lower than something else depending on the range of the
scale by which we measure them.
A similar scale occurs on the mental plane. Love and hate are considered
diametrically opposed, in total opposition and irreconcilable. However by
applying the Principle of Polarity we find that absolute love does not exist,
nor does absolute hate; they are relative one to the other. Both are no
more than terms applied to two poles of the same thing. Beginning at any
point on the scale and you can find "more love" or "less
hate" by ascending, or "less love" by descending. This is
a certainty that is true regardless of where we start on the scale. Many
degrees of both love and hate exist on the spectrum and it could even be
said that there is a half way point where pleasure and aversion are so intermingled
that one cannot distinguish them. Valor and fear are also governed by this
same rule. Pairs in opposition exist everywhere. Wherever we find one thing,
we will find its opposite also: the two polarities.
This fact is what allows for the hermetic mental transmutation from one
mental state to another by shifting the polarity. Different types of things
cannot be transmuted into something else, but a thing can be refined without
becoming something else. Therefore love cannot be transformed into east
or west, red or violet, but can change to hate and equally hate can change
to love, by changing polarity. Bravery can be transformed into fear and
vice versa. Things that are hard can become soft, hot changed to cold, and
so on but always it is things changing by degrees within the range of their
own kind. In this way a cowardly man, if his mental vibrations rise on the
scale between fear and bravery, may become filled with courage and scorn
danger. Likewise, someone who is lazy can become active and energetic by
polarizing toward the desired quality.
Disciples familiar with the procedures used to bring about mental changes
in their pupils may not be familiar with the scientific principles that
bring about those changes. Nonetheless, once you understand the principal
of polarity it immediately becomes apparent that movement on the scale of
polarity causes those mental changes. Such changes are not in the nature
of changing something into something totally different but rather they are
the result of a change in the degree of polarity, it is the degree of difference
that matters. To take and example from the physical world, it is impossible
to change heat to make it sharper or more flexible, heavier or taller, but
it can easily be transmuted toward cold just by slowing the vibration. In
the same way love and hate are reciprocal and can be transmuted from one
to the other, as can fear and bravery. Fear cannot become love, or change
into hate. All mental states belong to various classes, each with their
opposing poles, and it is their nature that can be transmuted.
It is easy to understand that, just as phenomena on the physical plane,
the dual poles of mental states are often classified respectively as positive
and negative. Therefore we say that love is positive compared to hate, bravery
more positive in energy than fear, activity compared to inactivity etc.
And it is noticeable, even disregarding the principle of vibrations, that
the positive seems to be elevated compared to the negative polarity. Nature
tends to flow toward the positive polarity.
Besides changing the polarity of our own mental states by applying the art
of polarization, the same demonstrative phenomenon that affects our mental
states can be demonstrated to influence others also. A good deal has been
written about this in recent years. Once someone understands that mental
transmission of this type is possible, that thoughts can be transmitted
from one person to another, then we can understand how it is possible to
effect someone else with certain levels of vibrations, resulting in a change
of their polarization. Most results obtained by these "mental treatments"
are accomplished according to this principle of polarities. As an example
consider a person who is sad, melancholic and fearful. Someone who understands
this mental science elevates his own mental state to the desired degree
by skillful exercise of his will in order to obtain the polarization required
in his own mental state. Then by induction he can produce a similar mental
state in the other person because the intensified vibrations polarize the
mind of the patient toward the positive polarity on the scale rather than
moving toward the negative. Hence their sorrow, melancholy and fear are
transformed into bravery, contentment and similar inner states. Meditation
on the matter will reveal that mental changes are almost always made along
the lines of polarity. That is, they are a change of degree rather than
of kind.
Understanding this great hermetic principle allows a better understanding
or our mental states, and those of others also. Further, it becomes apparent
that those mental states differ only by degrees, and by understanding this
fact we are able to elevate inner vibrations through will, changing their
polarity. In this we become the owner of our thoughts, instead of being
enslaved and made servant to them. This knowledge will also allow you to
offer assistance to others by using these methods appropriately to change
their polarity. It is desirable to become familiar with this principle because
understanding it well will provide greater light when dealing with dark
and difficult problems.