The Elus-Cohens

The elus-coens

They used the processes of masonry to reveal this doctrine; they also taught techniques, which were supposed to enable man to be purified and enjoy his original, privileges entirely.

The first three grades corresponded to the grades of the blue masonry (apprentice, fellow craft, master) followed by a fourth one: "maître parfait élu".

Then, the grades were Coen grades: apprentice, companion, coen master; then Grand Architect, knight of Orient and -a supreme consecration- Reau-Croix.

This ultimate grade is often mixed up with that of Rose-Croix, but has nothing in common.

The women were welcomed into the order of Martines after a severe examination of their supra-human faculties.

The letters

They taught theurgy: the magic circle was the symbol of the isolation against the powers of Evil: placement of light(s), hieroglyphs; the way of life was composed of fasting, prayers, incensing, invocations; the coens called superior spiritual entities and prayed them give a sign of their attention or condescension.

The work included daily operations, equinox operations, fastings, prayers, and a discipline. The "THING"...the invoqued spiritual entities could manifest themselves through "passes", it was the sigils of reconciliation; the certitude that after death he would be regenerated in the wait of being reintegrated: the pass was a guaranty of "SALVATION".



Exorcisms: quell the action of the perverse in the cosmos;

hinder their action on man, break their power on the adept, limit the plaques, and annihilate black magic.

Conjurations: to establish a contact with the angelical world and with the communion of the Saints (Nomen).

Prayers: in the prospect of reintegration, they are addressed to God and the Trinity.

The whole formed a complex, dangerous, redoubtable cult in 10 points. Were texts published by Thory?

Do these practices prevent mistakes?

Let us bear in mind that Martines was sadly mistaken in some of his choices. Firstly, Martines was probably difficult to get on with, he quarrelled with must of his disciples; but he was also very much mistaken in decisive choices (Bacon de la Chevalerie became a fierce critic for instance).

Let us also recall the story of the Unknown Agent concerning Willermoz, Saint-Martin…, but not Martines:

An entity dictated extraordinary revelations through the intermediary of Marie-Louise de Monspey, Madame de la Vallière:

The brothers must concentrate their efforts on the knowledge of the nature of intermediary beings between God and man; on the possibilities of communication between man and these beings;

finally on the obedience that men, masons, owe these kinds of beings.

It was too late when Willermoz saw through the possible trickery. He gave more than 80 journals back to the agent.